- Exercise And Obesity
- New Recipes In The Low Carb / Low GI Cookbook
- Your Successes, Requests And Questions
- Visit Our Newsletter Archive
1) Exercise And Obesity
A recent study concluded that 'fatness leads to inactivity, but inactivity does not lead to fatness'. Hooray! At long last the message may be starting to get through that obesity cannot be solved simply by getting people to do more exercise.The 'obesity is caused by lack of exercise' card has been a very convenient way for the food and drink industry to divert the focus away from their sugar- and refined carbohydrate-laden products as a major factor in the obesity epidemic up to now. And look how many food and drink companies have become involved in encouraging and very often financially supporting sports in an attempt to make their products look healthy. But studies like this will eventually show this tactic for what it is, and we can then get on with tackling the real cause of obesity, which is the type of food we eat (note I said 'type' and not 'quantity'. An important distinction.)
Of course, the food and drink industry will continue to play the exercise card for as long as they can. But for the sake of our health and that of our children, we must stop being fooled into believing that sugar- and refined carbohydrate-laden products can ever be healthy.
2) New Recipes In The Low Carb / Low GI Cookbook
For those of our readers who are subscribers to the Low Carb / Low GI Cookbook, two new recipes have just been released: Salade Nicoise (7-16) and Palm Heart Salad (7-17). These two recipes make a refreshing change to the usual basic lettuce, cucumber and tomato salad and are perfect for events and celebrations when you want to serve something cold that is a little extra-special. You will find these recipes already in your Cookbook next time you log in.3) Your Successes, Requests And Questions
This is your spot. Whether it's your dietary success story, a request to cover a particular topic in a future newsletter or a question you would like answered, we would love to hear from you. Please do contact us.Here is a question we answered recently:
Q: I have recently stopped the Lighterlife diet and decided to go onto the Atkins with my husband and son. I really do not know what to eat. I have been doing eggs and bacon for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch with mayo and the evening meals are pretty much the same as lunch.
I am so scared to eat anything other than meat, eggs, mayo, butter and lettuce. I did have some cauliflower which I pureed with creem and butter but felt very guilty eating it.
A: Have you looked at my Atkins Diet Plan summary at my LowCarbisEasy website, which shows what you can eat? The cauliflower with cream and butter sounds fine! You're probably being stricter than you need to be, but in order to understand how you can relax things and expand what you're eating, you need to understand how and why low carb diets work. You may find helpful my Easy Guide to Low Carb, Low GI and Low GL Diets and Atkins & low carb menu plans
4) Visit Our Newsletter Archive
Did you miss an issue? Want to review an issue you really enjoyed? Be sure to check out our newsletter archive.With best wishes for your continued good health
Jackie Bushell
Founder Director, GoodDietGoodHealth.com
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