Friday, 5 December 2008

The high cholesterol causes heart disease myth

If health professionals such Dr Malcolm Kendrick, Dr John Briffa and Dr Joseph Mercola (to name just a few) can be so convinced that high cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease and stroke, then why are our health services still geared towards the reduction of cholesterol levels at all costs? Why doesn't anyone in mainstream medicine or government health departments appear to be able to hear what they say?

If you still believe that (1) saturated fat causes high cholesterol and (2) that high cholesterol causes heart disease, then watch these videos of the presentation that UK General Practitioner Dr Malcolm Kendrick gave to the BMA (British Medical Association)at their meeting in Leeds:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Unbelievably, despite being presented with evidence such as this, the 'healthy eating' industry and mainstream medical profession continue to maintain that the 'reduce saturated fat and cholesterol' message is the right one. See an example of the level of denial they exhibit in the video below of a debate on saturated fat and heart disease at which Dr John Briffa was a member of the panel. See how, when he suggests that the debate was not supposed to be about how best to deliver the 'reduce saturated fat and cholesterol' message, but whether saturated fat intake and high cholesterol levels cause heart disease in the first place, he is told that 'fifty years of evidence exist' and is thereafter virtually ignored. As far as the Food Standards Agency spokesperson and other members of the panel are concerned, the concept that the saturated fat and cholesterol theory could be wrong in the first place just doesn't seem to exist.
Debate on saturated fat and heart disease

Do you remember how long 'officialdom' held out against the growing evidence that smoking damages your health? Don't wait for the nanny state to recognise they're wrong on the cause of heart disease and eventually pass the revised message onto you. It is evident that they still have a long way to go on this issue, and in the meantime, it's your body and your health that is at risk.

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