Saturday, 10 February 2007

Welcome to my new blog!

I have long had an interest in the connection between diet, nutrition and health, because I have always found it a fascinating subject. But as someone who has struggled with weight control and other less easily defined health issues for many years, I have also had a vested interest in becoming knowledgeable about it. As a result, I have built up a vast library of information, and there always seems to be a pile of new books, papers and articles calling for my attention.

One important thing that I have come to realize is that there are two types of information as far as the connection between nutrition, diet and health is concerned. The first is information that ignores the latest scientific understanding of diet and nutrition. This type of information is sadly often found in newspapers, magazines, many diet books and even official healthy eating advice. These myths continue to be repeated because they are the widely accepted truth, even when new scientific evidence shows them to be based on flimsy science at best.

The second type of information is found in books and papers in medical journals written by doctors, nutritionists, biochemists, researchers and other professionals who have taken a special interest in learning the truth about how the body handles food and its present-day environment. Often sidelined or even ridiculed by the mainstream medical profession on account of their new ideas, they have documented their research discoveries and their successes in treating their patients in new ways, in the hope that one day soon the rest of us would understand and embrace their way of thinking. It is this second type of information that I have sought out in my research.

The more I've learned, the more I've become incensed by the amount of misinformation out there, and the seeming inability of the conventional medical profession to accept new ideas and to understand the risks of manipulation by the food, pharmaceutical and other industries. As a result, I've become a bit of an evangelist. I've benefited personally from the information I've learned, and I want other people to know about these things too. I can't recover the thirty years of my life that I've spent being told that 'it's all in your head', 'get a social life' or 'if you're not losing weight you're obviously eating too much', and becoming more and more depressed and desperate as a result. But what I can do is pass on what I've learned to other people, and save them going through what I went through. So I've created a number of websites offering help, support and resources. So far these focus on general information about the link between diet, nutrition and health; a cookbook for people who are prescribed the 'Stone Age Diet' for food allergies; an information and support site for low carb and low GI dieters, and a book for those who find it difficult to lose weight on the standard low fat, low calorie diet.

I think everyone has a right to correct and up to date information about issues that affect their health, and I hope that my websites play their part in making this information available to all.


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